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Athena's claim process is designed to be fair, transparent, and efficient by leveraging decentralized arbitration to ensure just outcomes for all parties involved.
User-Centric Design: The process is structured to protect both cover holders and the liquidity providers.
Decentralized Arbitration: Utilizes Kleros for impartial dispute resolution.
Incentivized Fairness: Collateral requirements discourage frivolous claims.
Transparent Timeline: Clear periods for challenges and resolutions.
Claim Initiation:
Ensure you have sufficient funds for the required collateral and arbitration costs.
Prepare any documents you wish to submit as evidence if you think it is necessary.
Challenge Period:
Be aware of the challenge period duration.
Undisputed claims are automatically accepted after this period.
Claim Prosecution:
Prepare and submit comprehensive evidence to support your case.
Athena may provide additional information to strengthen you case.
Claim Resolution:
Accepted claims lead to compensation withdrawal.
Rejected claims may result in loss of collateral.
Overrule Period:
This is a temporary measure to support the launch of Athena.
There's a window for intervention in case of clear arbitration mistakes.
This adds an extra layer of protection against erroneous decisions.